Title: Embers
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG-13, most likely for the whole fic. Possibly some R action later on.
That's how betrayal works. It sends out ripples of hurt. Ones right next to you...ones you can't even see.
A year after the events of Season Eight, Buffy is still reeling. But while she and Spike try to sort out the hurt and confusion that
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Heh, don't we all? ;D
I'm slowly going to incorporate most of what's already been hinted at for S9, but as even Buffy doesn't know about it, sit may be a long time coming...
I'm feeling a bit like the writers back when the series was still airing must have felt when they wrote something for later in the season, or post an early season, and then Joss made them all wildly AU. :)
Yes! I'm just racing to get this fic finished before S9 actually starts, because I don't know how effectively I can write once I'm competing with Joss... ;D
Joss... ;D I hear you. I know mine will be done long before then. It will just quietly fade into AU, never happened, dom once the comics start up again. *sigh*
I may be asking for too much. :D
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