Doctor Who

Apr 05, 2008 20:13

I semi-agree with saxon_b: that was much better than it had any right to be. (Intriguingly, Saxon thinks it's without major holes while ajr thinks it has "staggering flaws in plot and logic. Settle this like gentlemen, sirs.) I thought the comedy elements (particularly the sequence when Donna and the Doctor are talkng at each other through the windows) actually worked, by and large, while the dramatic elements (particularly the conversation as Donna is getting into the TARDIS) fell thumpingly flat, a problem I attribute about 50/50 to Russell T Davies and Catherine Tate. They were also trying a bit hard to make us sympathetic to Donna; to quote bibliolicious, no, giving her a nagging mum isn't enough to do it. But in a weird way, I can now sort of see how this Doctor/Companion relationship could work, in a wacky-buddy way, which I certainly couldn't after "The Runaway Bride". I just don't think it will work. As for the plot: yes, fad-diet companies are evil, we get the message. veggiesu said somewhere that the episode would have been much more effective if the adipose had been "slug-like and squirmy"; I actually think the "they're children, it's not their fault how they came into existence" line worked better, and I don't see how they could have gone the disgustoid route without implying that fat is evil, rather than the company. Plus, they were cute.

If the Nanny hadn't gone splat at the end of the episode, I would have had money on hers being the hand that had picked up the Master's ring.

Oh, and dear Rose: STAY VANISHED.
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