Dec 09, 2004 22:36
As im sure u have all heard, some fuckin asshole in Ohio shot and killed "Dimebag"Darrell. Darrell for all of u who dont know who he was , was the former guitarest of the legendery band Pantara. He was the guitarest of the band Damageplan , his brother Vinnie was also in both bands. The police shot and killed the guy who shot him, the dude also killed like 4 fans in the crowd. The dude deserves worse then death, HE SHOT A FUCKIN LEGENEND!, he deserves to burn in hell and have Satan fuck him in the ass everyday. I am so fuckin sic, pissed and sad right now. John Lennon was also shot on Wednesday like 20 some years ago, jesus fuckin christ!, what the hell is wrong with ppl? , just because Pantara fuckin broke up doesnt mean u fuckin kill one of the members, fuckin asshole!. The hydro im smokin tomorrow night, im dedicating to Dimebag Derrell, for Char and myself
R.I.P "Dimebag"Darrell
ur music will always be remembered