Yes, I still have the "no-car" blues. That will come to a screeching halt on Tuesday!!! I can't wait. It'll finally be here. I told Rick I'm just going to drive around the loop all day long!! Sooooooooo...I've been a little housewife I guess. I'm going stir crazy! Not doing too much out of the ordinary, though. I'm still working out every day & have lost 26 pounds. I feel so great! Since I finished the first season of The O.C. so fast (Oh & Ms. never answered my question to you about the first of season 2 on my last entry & I'm dieing to know), I'm now watching this:
It's quite interesting to say the least. I can't believe they show it on regular cable. It can be pretty raunchy at times. Mr. Christian Troy is one sex-pot though! YOWSERS!!!!
(If you are wondering, I watch DVDs while I run on the treadmill. We have enough DVDs at our house to open up our own Blockbuster, but it's just not the same watching something you've seen and have it keep your attention on the treadmill.)
We're planning on going to Ruidoso for the 4th. We're currently trying to find places to stay. There's still quite a few options, but I rarely have ever had to find places to stay there due to having a cabin there all my life and/or staying at other people's cabins. Does anyone have any ideas???
Well, I'm putting off mowing the lawn and our neighbor across the street is having a garage sale, so I'm sure our yard is confiscated by scary garage salers!!
Oh & the new Coldplay CD rocks my socks off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!