Hello Again to all my friends..

Sep 25, 2005 10:41

Hello again to all my friends,

Im glad you came to play.

Our fun and learning never ends,

Here’s what we did today…

(OK, that’s from BARNEY!!!)

HAHAHAHAH…. Oh well! Im crazy, and I don’t mind. My 4-year olds are amazing as always. They’re learning to count by 5’s, and 10’s. Still working on tying shoes… that one may take a while. Tomorrow the school age kids don’t have school which means I have the kindergartens and my class ALL day.  It gets crazy when they’re all there. The kindergarteners start their school age program next Monday though and then I won’t have them in the afternoons anymore. It will be way less stressful, but I admit, I’ll miss them.  Kids really are the best. They love unconditionally. It’s crazy knowing how much influence you have over a child’s life. The reality is that I spent more time with these kids than their parents do. That’s a lot of responsibility!

I got the job at Waldenbooks. So now I officially have one full-time job and two part-time jobs. I am a working fool. But each job has something about it that I really like. So hopefully the schedule keeps my busy as I like, but not crazy! I must say that things have worked out quite nicely!

Friday night Jeremy came into town. Now… when I bought my car, I bought it with a broken tail-light… yes, this is something I would do, I know! So I needed to get that replaced. So my dad ordered the part. So since Jeremy was coming down anyway, I had him go pick it up from my dad so he could bring it when he came. I’m pretty sure Jeremy loves these awkward moments with my parents as they give him things to bring to me. Oh well, so he stopped by my house Friday afternoon and got the light and then got here around 7:30pm. And my roomie fixed us and our friend Megs dinner! Tacos and homemade tortia chips! Yummy! So we went outside to fix my taillight and I’m impatient, so I started doing it myself and then I decided I could do it all by myself. And I did (except for the electrical wires which Jeremy had to connect for me)! So I think I did pretty well. Jeremy had to go tell everyone that it still couldn’t have been done without him… but I dunno… I’m still proud of my mechanical ingenuity.

Yesterday afternoon we all went down to the North Side park. Which is beautiful in and of itself. But they were having artists do chalk drawing all over the streets. Like huge amazing pictures and as it got late, they were lit up by luminaries. Its was absolutely mesmerizing. Hopefully we will be going back this afternoon so I can take some better pictures! The only ones I got last night were on my camera phone, although I will say that my camera phone takes very good pictures! And then we went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory (this was at like 10pm) which I had never been to before. Um, the food is delicious! And I got strawberry cheesecake! Yummy!

So lots of good things have been going on in my friends lives so I’m doing…


Congrats to all the new zetas! A lifetime really isn’t too long…

Congrats to Claire and Maddie! Jacers got her wish, you’re officially Kappas!

Good Luck to Gail, Sarah, and Jess and the other Med Students! I know you guys have been studying hard. Always remember what you’re working for and how important it really is!

Conrats to Elycia (aka Roomie) on becoming an adjunct at Columbus State. She now has joined me in having Three jobs!

Happy Birthday to Kami and Stacy!!

Congrats Little Lauren and Jared, Old Rommie Amanda and Brian, and Liz and Bobby on your engagements!!!
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