Mar 19, 2005 17:51

well right now kisal and scott are over and they are playing halo and i dont feel like playing but anyways i had the best day yesterday

i went to the mall with scott cuz lindz and dyamond were going. lindz wanted to come back to my house and she crossed university! GO LINDZ! lol scott met us there and dyamond sat on top of him and then pretty soon he left and kisal came. we went to chilis with him lindz and dyamond. then we went back to my house and watched euro trip. me and lindz had alot of fun. me and her were on my bed together and then we sent kyle and dyamond out to have the room to ourselves and everything was going great i mean everything till my parents came home. i wanted to punch them! but anyways i had so much fun last night. i hope we can do it again.

well im going to go play halo with scott and kyle

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