Well, I'm standing here on the brink of change. It's simple and really started about two years ago. It started as a mental and emotional break down. I look back at the six months leading up to that and I'm not quite sure how I functioned. Regardless, after a month of therapy and some medicine I was on my way along a journey to recovery. I had some hard spots but I've kept going. I can see the future changing before my eyes.
Okay, lets not be so cryptic, what's going on in my life. On July 7, 2005 I will have gastric bypass surgery. I made this decision two years ago and have consulted with not one surgeon but two. The first surgeon consulted with me and put me through the process to in the end tell me I needed to lose weight before he would do the surgery (well if I could lose weight, why would I be here?). This didn't help the depression that I'd been battling but didn't cause a relapse.
Then in October of 2003 my father had a heart attack. He had heart surgery that included five bypasses, a valve replacement and a valve repair. In January of 2004, due to complications caused by the surgery and his diabetes my father died. While in the hospital on his death bed, I promised Dad that I would take care of the family, just like he did. The rest of 2004 is a blur and I knew the surgery was on the back burner for me.
Some time in the end of 2004 someone suggested to me that taking care of the family also included taking care of myself. That simple statement really rocked my world. Add to that conversation the fact that I could see my health starting to slide. Right now, I'm healthy. My blood pressure is good. My glucose levels are good. I'm mobile. I'm active. I'm morbidly obese. My weight is my major health issue. This past summer I started to retain fluid in my abdomen and legs. This scared me because I realized that this was one of the complications suffered by my father. I realized I had to do something.
In November 2004, I scheduled an appointment with surgeon #2 (he was actually the first I was referred to but at that time March 2003 his first appointment was January 2004). In March 2005, I had my appointment. I left the office with two folders and a arm load of prescriptions for pre-op testing. Sometime in April they called and gave me my surgery date. It seems I impressed the surgeon and he liked the fact that I was a teacher and would have all summer to recover. Although I can't prove it, I believe he found an opening in the schedule to squeeze me into.
Any way, I've survived the battery of tests. I'm excited and scared all at the same time. July 7th starts a new period in my life. Wish me luck!