Sep 25, 2017 09:22
For my job, I had to download an app called "HotSchedules," and while it's worth the $3, I'm wondering why the hell I even have it? Why? For three weeks STRAIGHT, I had to deal with someone calling out. Once was on a Friday (that I had off and was planning on going to dinner with my husband, who I rarely see since I work so much). That Thursday night, who calls me at work?
My BOSS. Asking me to work on Friday night because the other girl (who would eventually quit) couldn't make it in. Really?! Thank you SO much, jerk off, for making me miss my date night with my husband that I deserved after dealing with BS all week!
But that's not the worst of it. After working 10 NIGHTS in a ROW, I had two glorious days off, and then... the app shows "Tuesday - One Shift Available." Turns out someone else (knowing I had that day completely off due to me having wisdom teeth surgery that afternoon) wanted to not show up for five freaking HOURS. It's only five freaking HOURS, people! And it's the easiest shift in the damn week! (Tuesdays are rarely ever busy at the end of the month.)
And now it's down to three: me, A (a woman who hates being overworked like I do), and K (who is actually going on maternity leave soon). After K leaves, it's just two people the whole holiday season. Unless my boss is smart enough to hire someone else for my department, I might start calling out too. I need a vacation myself.