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theidolhands asks: Have you busted/caught someone trying to cover up their own ineptitude
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Comments 12
I once recruited an old landlord to fill a vacancy in the IT Support team, which entitled me to a £750 bonus payable after his 90th day. Took me another two months to get that paid, due to HR's lack of processes.
I firmly believe that HR exist for two reasons - corporate box-ticking (like out pointless PDR process) and covering the arses of management above the golden line.
I don't have this on authority, but I was once told by an employee that it's not even illegal for them not to pay a bonus despite advertising one that has been earned. That was told to me by someone who did a stellar job finding employees for the holiday rush, about nine, and went through the same pain to get paid for a little over two of them. They said they gave up on ever getting the nice chunk of change they were owed, since those employees all did a good job! They also, understandably said, that they would never go out of their way to find good employees for the company again, which imo was a big loss!
I think he tries to mask his inability by literally screwing up everything. This is one of the reasons why he's my least favorite manager.
I've had days where I've worked 8 hours (supposed to get 3 breaks, 2-15 minute breaks and 1-30 minute off the clock) and I would only get 2, my 15 and 30. Or even just my 1-30 minute break. I would sometimes wait until 4 hours in to get my 30, and sometime my 1-15 minute would come an hour or less before I get off. Most times, it's been him working the front.
The way the breaks work for 8 hours is usually 15-30-15, where your first 15 is 2 hours in, the 30 is 4 hours in, and second 15 is 6 hours in. That way it's evenly spaced out, and they can work other front-end workers breaks in between. This makes sense to me, and I have other managers who do it this way, but not him.
It's easy-peasy, every two hours a break, and if any compromises need to be made it should be the salaried manager. Alternatively you could try making a point of it like, "I don't mind skipping my break when you guys get busy, so long as I get extra credit for it! *giggle*" or "So...when am I gonna get a beer for all the breaks I've skipped around here?" And keep a log.
Seriously, I can easily imagine what you're stating to be true, and knowing how petty and toxic these work cultures can be, I'm often amazed that more utter ineptitude doesn't occur or that more of us aren't dead due to same.
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