Dear Manager

Sep 20, 2015 11:54

The schedule for the next week is supposed to be out, AT THE VERY LEAST, by the night the old schedule ends. If you DO put it out that late, it is YOUR responsibility to call people and let them fucking KNOW when they work. You are the MANAGER, you are the one that dropped the ball by not putting out the schedule on time. It's not their fault they don't know to come in. It's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to check on the schedule on their days off.

Also: If you change the damn schedule, YOU need to let them know it changed. Calling someone on their previously scheduled day off and being like "You were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago, where are you?" is insanely unprofessional and just plain stupid. You didn't even make an attempt to call her and let her know the schedule changed. Likewise, walking past someone that is currently working is the PERFECT time to tell them that the schedule for the night changed. Instead of just being all "Hey!" and leaving immediately.

It would also be nice, if you change the schedule, to ask someone if they hadn't previously made plans that they will now have to change to cover your incompetancy, because, you know, I did. Changing it so last minue, and not telling anyone, caused the girl that was supposed to work instead of me have no fucking clue, and me to have to work that night anyway. I only knew because I checked just in case. She doesn't have a phone. She cannot be contacted last minute. YOU KNOW THIS. So now we're working the schedule you'd already made out instead of the one you changed to because THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.

I wish I'd never come back to this godforsaken job. There's no way in hell I'm taking the fsm position because apparently all it is is a bunch of bullshit. 
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