(no subject)

Jun 21, 2015 20:20

To whoever took the keys to the office and the Vet's office,
I hope you bring them back.
You see, we have a dog in the office. The office we cannot get into. There is no problem getting into the Vet's office, there is a door into there from my cat ACO room. Those doors are never locked.
As it is...unless our assistant director, who lives onsite is able to get into the office, we will have a dead dog. We also won't be able to get our paychecks. Along with all the other things we need to have done in that office.
Since I cannot think of why any customer would be back there, nor why they would be getting the keys from the box (which is NOT labeled) it MUST have been one of those of us who work there. I've not used those keys myself for about a week.
So....if one of you guys (or the ladies at the front desk) put those keys in your pocket or purse, it might behoove you to bring them back ASAP. Stubby NEEDS his meds, and letting him out to do his thing, and get fed would be a very good thing indeed.


Quick update, the door got opened (and can't be locked again) so Stubby is fine. I was threatening to put him into a cat cage, because he was being a Mr. Underfoot. Bad enough I've got a doxie doing that, I also have a cat, about the same size who likes to do the same thing.
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