Uh ok. So I guess all the counties sociologists also lose at life the universe and everything? Because wage slave is a real term used in sociology textbooks to describe people who have to work jobs like that.
But just because you have to be a wage slave to survive doesn't mean you should be all like "I love my company that pays me shit and exploits my misfortune! I'm going to make sure they make a lot of money off me!"
Just like back in the day when they had black people as slaves.
So first it was offensive that I compared minimum wage jobs to slavery. Then once I pointed out that it's not offensive and every sociologist in the country agrees with me, you change your mind and now it's offensive that I compared them to black slaves. Honestly, I don't see how that's offensive. You could substitute any group of people who used to be slaves there, the word "black" is not offensive, sorry. And I think I made it clear that I think slavery of any kind is an injustice.
Communities like stupid_free and fandom_wank have a tendency to bring the lulz. I like lulz, or at least giggles. And when posts come in that involve explosions between people who knit one way instead of the other, or folk who fly into a frothing rage over the word "sammich", then the lulz are mighty indeed.
Hell, you should see the Harry Potter folk go at it. It's quite entertaining - and I don't mean the shipping wars.
To me it seems to be less about "lulz" and more about a bunch of people mobbing one individual.
Now I have a strong personality and it's hard to make me change my mind. If anything I made other people change their minds the times I've been posted about there. The ones I worry about are a lot of these younger teenage kids who are getting bullied this way because they don't have the mental toughness or confidence like I do to handle a lot of people ganging up on them. You guys doing this could really hurt a lot of kids self esteem.
My main issue with you is if you want to post something about me in that community don't make it misleading. You made it seem like I called her a control freak based only on telling her coworker to wash her hands. Yet you completely left out the part of her post where she wrote about telling her coworker to stock napkins.
That was the main reason I called her a control freak, because it's a pattern of bossiness. You made it seem like I was calling her that over just one incident.
Also, here's something you should consider. About 99% of the people in that community have serious flaws. I'm not saying you, but almost everyone I look at from there is just...I don't know the word. Take misscarlos for example, I think she's like 30 years old and still a virgin and is obsessed with video game guys. Then soceresskim, another person who hates on me there, is like 25 and already divorced. I challenge you to name one person from that community (aside from yourself of course) that doesn't have a terrible life. I can definitely see why they need to insult and gang up on other people to feel good. You should ask yourself if you really want to be around those kinds of people.
Mobbing? Hard to mob someone who isn't there. Which is why the wank comms on JournalFen frown upon linking the wankee to the wank.
Two incidents construes a pattern, does it? Dude, have you ever worked a minimum wage job of any sort? We all ask or tell each other to do things. I probably shouldn't admit this to you, but Skyechan is a good friend of mine offline, and she is most assuredly not a control freak.
And what, precisely, is wrong with being thirty and a virgin? Some people don't care to have sex. Everyone's got flaws. Mine happens to be a tendency to be somewhat violent (a controlled urge, thank God, or I'd really be screwed up) and overprotectiveness of people I'm close to.
And here's the part you don't really seem to get - more often than not, we're not mocking the person themselves (with exceptions for people like NJYoder or Tigerwolf), but the stupid things they say.
Fandom_wank only discourages the linking of the victim back to fandom_wank, but does not discourage the members from mobbing them on livejournal. So it becomes even worse, the victim has no way of knowing why all these people are suddenly attacking them. If there was a link back to fandom_wank it would be less psychologically devastating because they would see that it's a group of bored, immature people who do this on a regular basis to everyone.
And while some people such as yourself may only be mocking the things said, a lot of people in those communities attack the person directly. You know this, just look at any random posts comments and you can see it.
I've worked at several of those kinds of jobs, even for a Burger King, so I know exactly what goes on. I've had coworkers who like boss people around but everyone doesn't act like that. There seems to be two kinds of workers, the rule-follower bossy types and the laid back slacker types.
On the one hand, the bossy rule follower types are good because they tend to work hard, while the laid back slacker types are very lazy. But the bossy types can become annoying with their constant order giving and stress causing.
Most people fall somewhere in the middle of these two types, but whenever a person is too much at one of the extremes then problems happen. In fact, most of the posts in this community are people complaining about one of the above types. Or they are one of the above types complaining about the other type.
That someone who isn't a manager is repeatedly telling another coworker what to do is a sign of a bossy rule-follower type. It can be hard to tell if someone is like that when they're not working. Maybe if you worked with skyechan for a few days you would see that side of her.
"Maybe if I post image macros it will distract people when I lose arguments!"
You said, and I quote:
But just because you have to be a wage slave to survive doesn't mean you should be all like "I love my company that pays me shit and exploits my misfortune! I'm going to make sure they make a lot of money off me!"
Just like back in the day when they had black people as slaves.
Insta-fail, mate. Insta-fail.
Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed. I suppose I'll see you in my inbox in the morning.
The whole thing seems reminiscent of a group of bitchy gossiping teenage girls.
Communities like stupid_free and fandom_wank have a tendency to bring the lulz. I like lulz, or at least giggles. And when posts come in that involve explosions between people who knit one way instead of the other, or folk who fly into a frothing rage over the word "sammich", then the lulz are mighty indeed.
Hell, you should see the Harry Potter folk go at it. It's quite entertaining - and I don't mean the shipping wars.
Now I have a strong personality and it's hard to make me change my mind. If anything I made other people change their minds the times I've been posted about there. The ones I worry about are a lot of these younger teenage kids who are getting bullied this way because they don't have the mental toughness or confidence like I do to handle a lot of people ganging up on them. You guys doing this could really hurt a lot of kids self esteem.
My main issue with you is if you want to post something about me in that community don't make it misleading. You made it seem like I called her a control freak based only on telling her coworker to wash her hands. Yet you completely left out the part of her post where she wrote about telling her coworker to stock napkins.
That was the main reason I called her a control freak, because it's a pattern of bossiness. You made it seem like I was calling her that over just one incident.
Also, here's something you should consider. About 99% of the people in that community have serious flaws. I'm not saying you, but almost everyone I look at from there is just...I don't know the word. Take misscarlos for example, I think she's like 30 years old and still a virgin and is obsessed with video game guys. Then soceresskim, another person who hates on me there, is like 25 and already divorced. I challenge you to name one person from that community (aside from yourself of course) that doesn't have a terrible life. I can definitely see why they need to insult and gang up on other people to feel good. You should ask yourself if you really want to be around those kinds of people.
Two incidents construes a pattern, does it? Dude, have you ever worked a minimum wage job of any sort? We all ask or tell each other to do things. I probably shouldn't admit this to you, but Skyechan is a good friend of mine offline, and she is most assuredly not a control freak.
And what, precisely, is wrong with being thirty and a virgin? Some people don't care to have sex. Everyone's got flaws. Mine happens to be a tendency to be somewhat violent (a controlled urge, thank God, or I'd really be screwed up) and overprotectiveness of people I'm close to.
And here's the part you don't really seem to get - more often than not, we're not mocking the person themselves (with exceptions for people like NJYoder or Tigerwolf), but the stupid things they say.
And while some people such as yourself may only be mocking the things said, a lot of people in those communities attack the person directly. You know this, just look at any random posts comments and you can see it.
I've worked at several of those kinds of jobs, even for a Burger King, so I know exactly what goes on. I've had coworkers who like boss people around but everyone doesn't act like that. There seems to be two kinds of workers, the rule-follower bossy types and the laid back slacker types.
On the one hand, the bossy rule follower types are good because they tend to work hard, while the laid back slacker types are very lazy. But the bossy types can become annoying with their constant order giving and stress causing.
Most people fall somewhere in the middle of these two types, but whenever a person is too much at one of the extremes then problems happen. In fact, most of the posts in this community are people complaining about one of the above types. Or they are one of the above types complaining about the other type.
That someone who isn't a manager is repeatedly telling another coworker what to do is a sign of a bossy rule-follower type. It can be hard to tell if someone is like that when they're not working. Maybe if you worked with skyechan for a few days you would see that side of her.
And I've known Skyechan since she was five. I think I've seen every side of her there is to see.
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