Sep 07, 2006 13:28
Background, I work for a supermarket in England whose name starts with M. Adele is my supervisor, she has no concept of listening skills or tact. She also likes a alcholic drink or twenty! I am Angela! This happened yesterday whilst I was on a caffine high due to lack off sleep, (being woke up at 3.30 in the morning to be informed that your god child was getting rushed into hospital will do that but thats off topic!) I guess I should mention I am on contracted hours negotiated with someone other than Adele and have another job. Thats relevent. This is edited from my own journal.
I hate my supervisor. Give me a lot off caffine and two things can happen, I find everything incredably funny or I develop the personality of a Snarky bitch. Tonight I was the latter. Unfortunatly Adele appeared to have not took her happy pills/ her weekly quota of alchol/ gotten some ahem attention and so last night was fun. I mean that in a sarcastic way BTW.
She attempted to make me feel small . In the past she has been successful but my boss at my other job actually knows how to give credit where credit is due and so felt like I could take on the world and win. She also attempted to make me feel guilty for having a life outside of M. She failled on both counts. No guilt here, no sire not at all.
"Angela your going to work tomorow for us right." (Bare in mind they are supposed to, by company policy, give you two days notice!)
"Erm no, sorry baby sitting" (Its true I am)
"Well then you will definitly do friday then."
"Sorry that doesnt work out for me either. And as from next week I am also back at college so I can only do extra on Sunday afternoons. Which is all I have been able to do for a while as I have repetedly told you"
"But you wont let me do sunday afternoons because you have to give me a lunch break. "
"Right. But you will (strongly implying I have no choice in the matter)do extra shifts for us from now on" (maybe this is where I am potentually classed as a sucky co-worker since we had a load of people leave lately. However at the same time I used to do sunday afternoons on an overtime basis for the best part of 6 months and when it was time to have hours renegotiated they suddenly stopped me doing so. Overtime is both optional and very rarely worth it unless its on a Sunday! Which is where I truely am only avaliable )
"Hum will I? If theres no shifts going on a sunday afternoon I don't think I will.Because thats the only time I am avaliable like I have told you before. Hello would you like a hand with your packing?"
She sorta spluttered and walked away whilst I served the long que of customers that witnessed that exchange.
Customer, "Good for you love, that told her!"
But for christ sakes, I have things such as another job outside of M, and even if I didnt I would rather starve than work extra their especially when they try forcing me to! I do believe I will be getting to have yet another chat with her come apprasals but frak it I dont care. She is the only person in management that has ever found fault with what I have done in almost three years. After all the assistant store manager who also saw that happen said she shouldnt have done that, especially in front of customers but Kevin is awsome and knows which rules to follow, Adele is not.
Thanks for letting me rant.