*****i stoll this from stephanieeeeeee
2 years ago, I...
- was in 8th grade and almost 14
- tried out for cheer
- was close with friends that i still continue to be friends with.
- realized that school should not be taken so fucking seriously.
- wished i was somebody else.
1 year ago, I...
- was in 9th grade & almost 15
- was introduced to alcohol and bud.
- made MANY stupid and bad decisions
- those of which i faced concequences for and have learned from.
- was told that i come off as a happy person who is "always smiling"
- learned to appreciate people much more, and who and who not to trust.
- love life and realized how much i DESPISE drama!
- met people that significantly changed my life.
Yesterday, I...
- woke up ver late =)
- played video games
- watched it rain
- helped my G-ma bring things back to her house.
- realized how much i love true friendship.
- spent my night at David's and realized how WONDERFUL my weekend was spent. <3
- learned that life is so great and i will NEVER take certain things for granted. *****
Today, I...
- woke up nice and late =)
- went to lunch with my mom and brother
- went shopping with them too
- drove a lot
- went for ice cream with daddy.
Tomorrow, I...
- have to wake up and go to school. AAHHHHHH!!!
- will count down the days until Friday
- will pay attention in school
- will dream about sleep
- will be wishing for the month to pass so I CAN GET MY LICENSE!!!
Next year, I...
- will be the same person, but almost 17.
- hope for a good change in life.
- wish that many things will still remain the same. =)
- just wish everybody will finally be happy. =/
I LOVE YOU ALL.. especially those who understand me =P