Aug 02, 2005 12:12
So, that most evil of all days is now over. Pre-proclaimed "the worst day ever," August the one has come and gone. I hate to admit it, but it might not have been so bad. But, let me tell you about it anyway.
My cousin, who is quickly becoming one of my greatest confidants, left for the war. He is in the air force. I was going to go visit him before classes started back up. When I called him to set up times, he let me know he was leaving from **** (yes, I am protecting the eyes of the young from the evil) until October 3rd. I hope he stays safe. His name is Matthew for those of you who are the praying type. To counteract the dread that I had associated with this, we talked on the phone for a few hours the night before. But then to top it off, he left me a message on AIM seconds before he signed off to leave for his base . . . to go. It was short and sweet, but made me feel better. It was to the affect of missing me, and calling me if he could, and seeing me soon. God's will be done.
THEN . . . yesterday also marked the beginning of the best friend's first day of Med school (aka the reason I will never ever get to hang out with her again). She called me part way through her day, and again when I got off of work. We ended up hanging out together for an hour or two that evening. All and all, none of the effects of having to fall off of the face of the planet were felt. That had way too many F's in it for me, what about you? Anyway, I know that this year will be hard, she is going to HAVE to be busy to make it. But I will work Wednesday nights this school year, which means babysitter afterwords. So on that day we have already decided it will become Carm's and Ari study night. Maybe that will help me actually study once in awhile too.
There was more junk that I don't have the resources to get into . . . mostly birthdays. That seems a weird reason to be sad, but let's just say they serve more as reminders now, then as joyous occasions.
With all that known before hand, the day was doomed to be bad. . . . but it wasn't. We had a bit of a going away party for Jennie, who I still can't believe is leaving. A good night none-the-less. With C-love and c-love, and some party atmosphere going on. I even had what was later referred to as refrigerator magnet sex. In the late hours of the . . . actually, the early hours of the morning the party got flirty and well, more fun. I know it meant nothing, but . . . it has been way too long since someone looked at me . . . like that.