a rare update from me

Apr 24, 2006 17:03

why yes I'm still alive and well, and even still in CS.

For those who don't know I've had an interview with the TCEQ a couple weeks ago and still, no news, but I did a call back and the position has not been filled yet, so there is still hope. . . Right? Any how I'm being asked to leave from bus ops as I'm no longer a student and my position is a student worker position, so what does that mean? Mostly that on May 11 I'll be officially unemployed. And living on my family's grace again. the good news is however that things are looking pretty good for me being able to go see Blair's graduation. Hopefully I'll have a room to myself by that point. . . oh right most of ya'll don't know about that either. Along with me being unemployed I'll be short some privacy in the next few weeks as I gave my work that I'd have my room cleaned out of my stuff so Damon's new roommate can move in properly, on the first of mayish. . . I hate his freaking Apt. complex for screwing him and by connection me. but I'll still be able to live in the house, and Damon was kind enough to offer to let me stay as long as I needed (I get the feeling that he dosn't realize I'll be jobless soon) and even move into his room as it's the largest in the house (and I would kill Jeremy if I tried to live with him, and very few who know that boy like Damon and I do would blame me. I hope Jeremy moves out when his finals are over like he told Damon he would. In all this my big sis and my mum have kindly offered to let me move back in with either one of them, and dad shared the sentiment though he hasn't said as much, he didn't disagree with mum when she told me that. I've also applied with Union Pacific Railroad at a managerial position and my father has some connections higher up that may help to get me the job and rise through the ranks. It's not exactly what I want to do in life, but it pays well and will look really good on my resume if I get it. Heck I may grow to like it. . . but I'm not counting on it. So that's mostly it. . . I know the update is a little focused on my job search but that's what is really on my mind at the moment.


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