
Dec 02, 2006 21:02

its hard to think you're actually capable of doing this, especially to someone like her.
its hard to think that at one point i saw you as another big brother, someone i looked up to you with great admiration, but you've proven yourself to be someone so low.
its hard to think, that i can never look at you the same way ever again.

so its december. tell me how november flew by JUST like that.
speaking of the month of november, what the fuck was that?!
did that month officially become bullshit month without us knowing?
never have i witnessed so much in so little time.
this month however did help us in realizing how much more we adore and appreciate our friends.
[aka the ladies. seriously cannot emphasize enough how much love there is for one another]
other than the 4th and 10th,
november, i hated you =)

i've got 2 weeks left till Christmas break.
im still that busy bitch. cant you tell? im home on a saturday night doing that hmwk stuff, haha.

and im still on that "just like Lil' Jon, i dont give a fuck" tip.
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