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Jul 09, 2006 11:19

Well not much has been going on since my last entry. Just working.. Work has been alright,the kids this yr are really young and most are not potty trained. You take them into the bathroom and it is like deer in the headlights! haha lol. There are also some differnt names, some old ones coming back and some really new ones. We have a little boy named Kai, another one named Banyan. ONe of the older names that we have is frank and he likes to be called Frankie. There is a cute lil boy named Cayden, i think it is a cute name. Some differnt girls names we have are Lola, Sutton. I really enjoy going to work, it is a fun time! I found out that the lady that is in the office during the day, her daughter is pregnant(like major pregnant) and she is only like 20-21, not married, no husband, don;t think a boyfriend. I can't believe it! I could not imagine having a kid right now.
Went out to dinner with my cousin this week to Lazy Lizard, that was a lot of fun!! We sat out on the patio and drank coronas. I really enjoy going out to dinner with her, hopefully we will do it again soon. After we went to Old navy, i saw a tank top i wanted but I didn;t buy it, however I think it will go back and get it. haha lol.
Saturday(yesterday) played golf with the family, it was a lot of fun .I thnk i am acutall getting better at it. I play on tues in the ladies league here at our club. I am a little nervous.. Last weekend I shot a 48 in 9 holes which is a great score, the lowest I have ever been. Yesterday I got a 56 but this was a big course(longers greens). My parents told me it was still a good score,but I don;t think so. I had some good shots and some not so good shots haha lol.
Not much else really happend this week, got a call on thurs that my cousin had her baby like a month early, she actually was allergic to being pregnant(never heard of it before). It was a healthy baby boy named Caz. Accoring to my cousin he said it meant peacemaker. When asked in what language he said I don't know. Haha lol. It sure is a differnt name kinda sounds like Taz the tazmanen devil.
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