Some summarized results of recent processing...
- People change...and I think I've accepted it...but then I discover I haven't...and I get frustrated again...and it hurts to see the choices certain people make...and how those choices affect me so much more than the person realizes...and so on...but then God steps in...and I just trust Him...
- God has a plan...there really is a reason...and if all the bleh, not-so-fun stuff, especially difficult losses, are meant to draw me closer to Him & let me in on something that few people get to experience, then...truly...I can be content with that...and should be thankful for God's amazing love & awesome sovereignty...especially in the little things...
- ...and I DO really want to be more and more like Him and walk in His such a way that others do see Christ in me...that His light would shine through me to others who need to see that light...and be loved...and cared for...who have experienced & do experience things I could never imagine going through...whose differences should be fascinating & encouraging & inspiring to me...and I want to be Jesus to matter what that means...
- I continue to forget & lose sight of why I'm here, of God's sovereignty, that His power is made perfect through my weakness, that it's all about Him & not about me, that everything is meaningless if I haven't surrendered & subjected them to Him w/ my life centered around Him & His Lordship...but, thankfully, God is ever patient & forgiving & gracious...and He continues to remind me of these important realities...
- "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step." -Martin Luther
- As difficult as it can be sometimes, I'm so thankful for the grace to continue to tear down walls when everything inside me wants to build them back up...but I need to apply that to more areas of my life...
- With some things, I just need to wait & trust Him & be sensitive to His Spirit until He leads me onward...
- I need to let God use me NOW as who I am NOW...not who I might be in a week or month or year, etc...NOT who I WAS however-many years ago, weeks ago, days ago...How many opportunities am I missing because I'm so focused on what I'm NOT right now, on how far I have to go, etc.?...not that I don't need to continually seek to become better, more like Him, but that I use what He's give me NOW, where I'm at NOW in this amazing time of my life to go all out for Him and be more in-tune to what He has for me...because He definitely has plans for me NOW...I just haven't had the right perspective on that...this is a big one...God's really working on me right now in regard to this...I pray that I continue to live in light of His plan for me right NOW!:-)
Thank You so much, Lord, for a very BLESSED day today...for what You've been doing, have done today, and will continue to do in my life...Thank you for slow & difficult & small as they at least seem right now...Thank You so much for Your AMAZING love for me...for your pursuit of me...patience with me...and unconditional love for me!!!:-) You are, indeed, so AWESOME!!!:-)