Oct 17, 2004 16:46
ok well...its sunday and the weekend went by so fucking fast...i'm
about to head out to berkeley but its raining v_v , so it wont be too
fun. last night i went to lelah's birthday party hemmm lets see who was
there? oh yes..caity,ursula,meliza,sheryl, and meghan..oh and monica
came in the morning for about an hour. well in the middle of the night
me and ursula went inside for a few minutes to take a piss and brush
our teeth (we were sleeping in a tent) then when we got back out
everyone moved all of the sleeping bags around and caity and sheryl
were taking up half the fucking tent! so.. and they wouldnt move or let
us in the tent! so me and ursula walked from lelah's house downtown and
hung out there for a while (it was about 3 am) and when we got back we
finally sqeezed ourself in there...we did end up practically having to
sleep on each other. so yah..i cant stand school its so shitty and i'm
failing... >< it blows