Oct 21, 2009 22:12
Even though I should be working on the two papers I have do tomorrow, I just wanted to mention that I got a pin at todays scout meeting. It's the years pin :) The first one I've ever earned, so kinda cool. Okay I know I' 20 years old, supposedly a grown-up and stuff, but well I don't have anybody at here at home that can pat my back and say 'well done' so guess I have to do it my self ;)
This years pin is actually really cool. It's even cooler that I know some of the people who've helped make it ;P It's the first one that has actually been fun, which has a lot to say in why I've never really bothered with it before. But this year it has been all about adventure. It has been split it three, the safari, the lonely island and the climb. Today we did the safari. We took a trip around the world in the food steps of different kind of flu's. Yeah, sound weird right. But it was really fun. We only had the seniors so we tested them on the first aid stuff we taught them last year, which they thought was really unfair, but it was still a lot of fun :)
I really should get back to my papers... don't want to, want to go to bed and sleep instead... but heck, that's life