Fic events!

Sep 22, 2008 21:29

I tried bullet points but the html didn't stretch as far as having the dots over enough to be clear of the userpic. Meh.

Anyway, on to the good stuff:
eta: ooh, I've blathered enough that the points can go back in and be under the icon. Ha!
  • galpalficathon is live! Go look see - there's bound to be something that pings the muse! Seriously, there are two posts full of prompts. And as a bonus, it's stress-free - no need to claim or commit, just write.
    Plus? Best tagline ever.
  • apocalypse_kree fics are emerging like butterflies of doom. Nothing quite like the end of the world, eh? Yum.
  • The sheer volume of requests on Fandom Free-For-All is astounding! Let alone the number of responses, either fulfilling or expressing an interest in doing so. Isn't it nice that fandom gets involved in these kind of sharing events? I think it's nice. It offsets the eruptions of Stupid/wank that happen from time to time. ;)

    *gratuitously uses banner to make entry more visually interesting*

    So, to that end, I've finally made a request post of my own ( here) after pledging to make an attempt at a fic requested by fhartman. It won't come as a total shock to many of you that most of them involve Janet. (I know! Who'd have thought? *g*) There is mention of BSG as well, though. And - again, surprise surprise - stock travel icons.

    If you haven't made your own request list yet (10 items, any format, any fandom, just no music downloads) then you have until the end of October. Whee!
  • sg_fignewton is hosting another excellent serving of alphabet character fic, this time in the form of Jack Alpha-bits. Letters are available for claiming now.
    Also - check out the stories written as surprise Birthday Alphabet Soup for Fig.

fandom-stargate, fic, file under: wheee!

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