I'm plotting a trip - aren't I always? - and I think this one might actually happen. Man, I've not been somewhere crazy where no-one speaks English for faaar too long.
Thailand to Bangladesh overland. Via Burma and India and three border crossings I'm not 100% sure I'll get across. Up until very recently, getting across the Burma border and then travelling beyond the immediate area was impossible, so this ought to be exciting.
- The Thai/Burma border should be fine, barring any regional fighting (yey).
- The Burma/India one has been done before, though only by a handful of people as far as I can tell. To get to the border on the Burma side, I'll need a permit (from Yangon; will take a couple of weeks to process) and will have to specify the exact date of crossing. Gah, such precise planning on the red-tape front is difficult in the middle of a trip where you need Plans A through F in place. Burma is also rather big for south east asian standards and I don't want to be caught without enough time to get across once permit is in hand. Once in India, there is the possibility of problems with bandits and separatist groups (further yey). Also, India might decide to reinstate the permit regulations it recently dropped (the same ones I had to get for
this trip), since Manipur has (did have?) the dubious honour of being the most dangerous state in the country.
- Then there's India/Bangladesh which will be a breeze as long as I get the visa itself, something I'm planning to do at the office in Agartala, India Bangkok. No point getting it until I'm across the previous two borders. Bangladesh visas are a total pain in the backside (see above link again) but I think Agartala Bangkok offers the best chance other than getting a visa on arrival at the airport (boring!).
- Finally, there's Bangladesh which apparently has some unrest of its own. Will be avoiding the CHT (Chittagong Hill Tracts) this time, instead heading to the tea growing areas of the north-east to escape the heat.
So. Adventure. Possibly can has, just as soon as bossman approves my time off. THUNDERBIRDS ARE GOOOOOOO!
In an attempt to avoid high-season in Burma as well as the start of the monsoon, it'll be March and a bit of February. Will be very hot.
Least I'll not be driving this time, eh? Though I kinda wish I was...