next hair-brained scheme

Nov 05, 2011 15:17

Drive from the UK to Cote D'Ivoire/Ivory Coast, perhaps hitchhike back. I've got a contact who works for an NGO there and she needs a van that can carry her ex-child-soldier kids. It's only 9000km one way.

May is not the best time to do this, but whatevs.

And, Drago are launching a new Western Trans for Africa in 2013 - through the Congo and Angola, omg want!

Aaaaand, there's a massive hailstorm here, 3cm diameter. Just stood out in it until it hurt. Whee! After spending 3 months in the Andes, or at least in cooler climes surrounding them, we're back to the Caribbean in a few days. It probably sounds preferable to the winter weather most of you are getting now, but I can't say I'm looking forward to 40C and 90% humidity.

travel - colombia, travel plotting, travel - africa

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