Oh man Alex, that's really very gorgeous... but then again so is your entire life.
BUT, I shall now like to humbly take the liberty of informing you of my deeply held belief concerning the true identity of those tiny yet visible specks of white: As any one of even a minimum standard American education can plainly observe, this example of specimen you seem to have captured by "seemingly-innocent myspace.com-userphoto-taking digital-media horseplay-cleverly-disguised-by-a-facade-of-artistic-creativity-behaviour-type tactics" via the medium of flash photography, and subsequently have naively (read: incorrectly) identified as particles ("Flakes") of "Snow", reflected in part by likely coincidental pathway trajectory intersection collision interference with what you (by the way, quite humorously) appear to believe to be "Light", are actually, according by of my all available information, research, experimentation, and personal accounts by various, numerable, yet unfortunately unnamable "Sources", and given my extensive (Read: unauthorized) rare knowledge of a little-known mysterious underground long-hidden conspiracy of truth, uncovered, I might add, thanks to my determined (but in the end quite clearly fruitful) years upon years of unending dedication to many of the toughest, not to mention oldest, and most highly pondered questions in all fields of Science, including several brave incidences of unselfishly throwing my fragile life onto the front lines, cheerfully facing desperately perilous situations of the most immense danger, I can inform you (and your vast array of giggly hormonal pubescent Myspace groupies) with quite high assurance of my complete confidence the fact that I have determined (with precisely 176% accuracy) those to be several massive, powerful, and worst of all, extremely angry armies of alien space-craft uncharted-territory-infiltration-warrior troops forming bee-lines for our one and only home planet, stretching thousands of miles deep as they venture forth with stealth to take over our planet as their own… (By killing us one by one with what they have discovered, after many months of strategic remote research via interception of radio and television program waves, then using their findings to choose, magnify, reflect, and broadcast upon our very o-zone layer like a gigantic global drive-in movie, the signal of a show they have found after several series of tests to be the most sick, most maddening, the most potently disturbing, irritating, and just downright unbearable, the epitome of terror, the see-all-end-all of ultimate in human psychological break-down capability known to us as: "The Real World". Soon after our most inhumane and cruel demise by this, the prime evil of all known evils, but not before the aliens have sent out their robot probe parties searching the burning wreckage to uncover our world's secrets of life, and inconspicuously seek and download every found jpg file of the pornography scene's "First Lady", America's Sweetheart and number one mega-star Jenna Jameson, and all episodes EVER produced of "Bay Watch" and "American Idol: Seasons 1-3" from the computer hard drives of the crumbling and still-smoking remains of several of Jackson Memorial High School's…. male human Varsity Wrestling state division champions, onto their portable (not to mention highly fashionable) USB-drive-necklaces, then the remains of civilization as we have come to know it (