May 13, 2011 17:44
So I got the Job.
I asked to have till Monday on deciding, but either way I look at it I am working towards an unknow. As My favorite Canadian living in America has said, it is an increasingly hostile enviroment that I am working in and I just have gotten news that the Supervisors will be moved around, and while I do get along with most of them the news I am hearing is that the one that rubs me the wrong way will be coming here. So hostile Supervisor paired with a hostile foreman makes for an unhappy me. But with major organizational changes I don't know what is in store for myself in the future.
I know it sounds like I am being flakey but the pro con list is even and I just can't decide. Atleast I will beable to car pool with my dad, but that means I will be atleast an hour early for work daily.
new job