[A is for age]
[B is for booze of choice]
Honestly, give me a can of ginger ale or pepsi, and I'd be happy.
[C is for career:]
Veterinarian, maybe teacher
[D is for your drug of choice]
[E is for one essential item you use everyday]
hahaha- I have to agree with Kara - underwear
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
Fire and Rain- James Taylor
[G is for favorite game:]
Capture the flag.
[H is for Hometown:]
[I is for instruments you play:]
Piano- barely
[J is for favorite juice?:]
Apple or cranberry. Oh, and of course orange juice.
[K is for kids?:]
yup, somewhere along the line.
[L is for last hug:]
Ledena when she was running away from Lynde.
[M is for marriage]
[N is for nickname:]
Cait, mom haha
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
When I was really little, but not since.
[P is for phobia's:]
I dont really have any. Nothing huge.
[Q is for quote:]
Just do it.
[R is for biggest regret]
Wow, I really don't know. All of my mistakes seemed to have taught me the higher road wow- that sounds really corny.
[S is for singing:]
all the time, but I'm bad, and not afarid to admit it. :)
[T is for time you woke up:]
[U is for underwear:]
I like the strechy ones.. When you feel like you can really moooove.
[V is for vegetable you love:]
green beans, red pepper, carrots, broccoli!! I love vegetables.
[W is for worst habit]
interrupting people when theya re tlaking.
[X is for x-rays you've got:]
Chest x 654545724, shoulder, arm.
[Y is for yummy food you make]
wellll, probably wither taco dip, or my world famos grilled cheese. :)
[Z is for zodiac sign:]
Well, back at home now. It feels good. I miss Finland a lot, and I can't wait to return. My family was amazing. I felt like they really were my family. I have a webshots link here so you can check out some pictures!
http://community.webshots.com/user/cnd1062 Check it outt!!