Jul 17, 2006 11:44
What time do you usually wake up?
anywhere from 8-11 int he summer, during school, 6:26
If you sleep in, how many times do you press the snooze button? -
I don't use my alarm clock all that much
What is your morning routine? -
I get out of bed, go downstairs, go into the kitchen and see what we have or lay onthe couch for a few minutes until I wake up hopeing that the chore list my mom set out will disapear..
What's for breakfast? -
Cereal, toast, sometimes pancakes or eggs. But lately I've been having oatmeal.
Coffee or tea -
neither, but if I had to chose, tea.
Time for school/work. What transportation do you take? -
my mom drives me.. but she won't have to for too much longer ;-)
What time do you get to school/work by? -
Before school/work starts, you... -
I got to my locker, then hangout with everyong until the minute bell rings.
What do you do at school/work? -
Try to learn. But sometimes, I get reallly bored and I daydream.
Anything that you particularly like there? -
I love the personal pan pizza. I could eat those the rest of my life.
Anything that you hate? -
What do you do during recess/coffee break? -
I usually just hang out or talk wit my friends?
Lunchtime. What do you usually eat? -
Whatever is on the menu. If if it's sometime bad, I usualyy get a salad, or if sometimess I pack my lunch. Very rarly though, only when we have good stuff that I can put into my lunch at my house.
Who do you sit with? -
Woody, Kayla, Krista, Brit, Lindsay, Whitney, Lesile sometimes, Cheasea, and Theresa
There's still free time after you finish your meal. What do you do? -
Yeah, we usually just laughed at everyone's stories or watched tv. Once we emptied all the cafeteria's jello into woody's lunch bag!
When does school/work end? -
What do you do after school/work? -
Sports practice or the Y.
Do you have a tea time? -
haha, no, but that would be cool
What time do you have supper? -
Whatever time. Usually around 5:30
What's for supper? -
Whatever we have in our fridge that you can actually eat. Sometimes fajitas, ziti, hamburgers.
Any after supper activities? -
just relax
What time do you go to bed? -
Right now, whenever 'I et tired.
What time do you usually wake up? -
usually anywhere from 8-11
Breakfast or brunch
Coffee or tea -
Do you usually go out of town? -
yeah, every few weeks
Any weekend obligations like volunteer work or karate lessons? -
sundays I go to the SPCA. I just started. I haev't ina while though! :0
Hobbies? -
hanging out? haha can that be a hobby?
Do you spend time with your family and/or friends? -
Sports or parties or just plain hanging out? -
depends on my mooood
Do you drink alcohol? -
Smoke? -
Other recreational drugs? -
haha well there is that one time. ahaha just kidding
What time do you usually go to bed?
whenever I get tireeed.