Apr 01, 2006 23:48
Afer slogging for more than one and a half hour over my chem tutorial I came to a conclusion that it is empirical truth that lengthy tutorials are waste of time. WHAT'S THE POINT in including what seemed like more than 10 questions or sub-questions requiring the explanation of dispersion forces in one single tutorial? So that the concept can be reinforced? Surely we intelligent beings are capable of learning quicker and smarter than that. The painful thing is the repetitive questions must be completed at ONE GO, not whenever you feel like strengthening your concepts, because your diligent chem teacher will be going through the entire tutorial QUESTION by QUESTION during the next tutorial session. So in all, you have to deal with the overwhelming exasperation TWICE, once when you're doing the tutorial, once when you're listening to the same droning thing in class.
Of course during classroom discussions new ideas spring up and that enhances understanding. But I think it is worthwhile to reflect upon how annoyingly inefficient our way of studying is nowadays. I can't pinpoint the problem, but sometimes I feel like this helpless substrate orientated in the weirdest and most uncomfortable way in this monstrous lecture tutorial system quite determined to catalyse my breaking. Am I the only one feeling this way?
Seniors have been telling me to finish tutorials NO MATTER WHAT. They way the said it made tutorials sound like the golden key to excellence in block tests and promos. Yeah maybe they are, but sometimes I don't see the point in abusing my hands in religious courses of finishing the supposedly sacred tutorials. Seriously, tutorials serve as better practices for handwriting/speed of writing/writing stamina than conceptual understanding of topics involved... this is especially so when the topic isn't really that complicated to have any conceptual misunderstandings in the first place, like enzymes. Is there a need to look at so many rate of reaction graphs?! I remember how totally put off I was by the number of "enzyme-substrate complex"s I wrote down just to complete one tutorial. The chem tutorial on atomic structure is another example.
I look at the pile of tutorials I have undone before me, and only one eloquent singlish word can describe my feelings exactly - sian.
Went running today and my dad was appalled at my sudden enthusiasm to exercise. He thought I was going crazy, but actually I just wanted some air. And I started practising dizi again.. many thanks to shi xiong who motivated and encouraged me. If not for him I would have forgotten how it's like being passionate about something.