Oct 16, 2008 21:14
I'm taking a break from work now. Yes work. :) Work with a smile at the back. Without meaning to sound masochistic, work here is actually nice. Everyday I will walk along the old cobbled streets of Cambridge and hear people passing me say "that lecturer was cool wasn't he! I enjoyed today's to bits." Haha. Me too. :)
And after complaining to everyone I see for many days that I don't seem to have time to read my notes and finish my supervision work, I finally sat down today after dinner at my (very) small desk (which is so small it's almost impossibly not to topple my cup while working. This afternoon I accidentally did that again and there goes my physiology supervision work. RAWR. Had an overwhelming desire to scream SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT but haiz restrained myself coz I decided it's probably not good to sound uncivilised here.) and did some work (luckily my physiology work are dried now and there weren't any ink smudges. Thanks to non-soluble ink haha. :) But the paper's kinda... crispy.). Yeah. So I felt very satisfied that I finished my first piece of work in Cambridge (despite its texture), though I know I probably included more information than needed to answer the questions. I am hoping that this is not like A Levels all over again, where one should be constantly wary of the boundaries of pursuit.
What Dr Summers said was very encouraging indeed. "We only have exams once a year, because most of the year, except for the weeks of exams, we're concerned about education."
The environment in Cambridge is so nice I'm not complaining a least bit about it (except for my exceptionally small room with no toilet, no washbasin and a very small table that I periodically use to empty my cup). But admist all that niceness sometimes I feel a little... empty too. Where's all the people I'm closest to? Tens of thousands of miles away. Sometimes I would talk to myself at night, coz it's not so often I get to hear a familiar voice talking to me anymore, and my own has indeed been very comforting at the times I feel very lonely. Just on Tuesday I was talking to some of my coursemates and they expressed a similar feeling of... desolation? That's probably too strong a word, but it's something along its lines, something more like... I have something good here, and I really want to share it with people I love, but they're not here, so what's all these in front of me! Many of them said they miss being with their old friends. Me too. Many of them said they miss their family. Their younger sisters and brothers, who are incredibly sweet. I can't really know what they mean, since I don't have younger siblings, but I guess the general feeling is similar. And they said they can't stop calling their boyfriends. Haha...
Generally, I guess I'm doing fine here. :) There's more work coming up, but I'm prepared to embrace them.There's more lectures and practicals and supervisions and my timetable's on the extreme end of packed-ness, but I'm actually looking forward to them. There's many inconvenienes to day-to-day living, like meals have to be eaten in college which is quite far from my accomodations, sharing a toilet/shower with like 5 to 7 other people depending on the day (over dinner just now someone asked me how many showers share me, apparently phrasing the question wrongly, and I told him one fifth. -.-), and having loud banging room doors that make me feel guilty every morning since I wake up earlier than most people, and really irritated at night when the night people come streaming into accomodations at 1 or 2. But I've sort of gotten used to them?
I miss Singapore. Haha. Miss my mum. Miss Shida. Miss friends. Miss Jurong East (k I am starting to sound stupid) and all my favourite hideouts. Haha... I will definitely cherish this coming december. But till then, I'm content here and I shall make the best of it. Jiayou Cai Na!
Thank you all the people who sent me emails and wrote on my wall on facebook. Sorry if I haven't replied to them, coz I have been in a disoriented state for quite long. Sorry JAIME, I haven't replied your email, but I've read it and was really touched. Thanks for everything and don't worry about anything that has passed! Without you my CO experience won't be the same too, and guess what, there's a CO here in Cambridge too. It's just not the same without you. <3
So that's about all for now I guess. People passing by, please leave a tag to say hi! Or anything. I'm missing old friends quite a bit now.