I'm doing
this exercise again, but this time I'm giving you some advance notice: these are my Mass Effect characters. Refrain from asking about actual Mass Effect events (especially as I haven't played ME2 through yet and do not want to be hit with spoilers), but feel free to tailor your questions to your knowledge of the ME universe in general (
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Cole: I'll say elcor for favorite, just because I've never met a rude one. Or one that makes a habit of telling humans how we're a "young, inexperienced race that has so much to learn." Least favorite is a no-brainer: batarans. (Geth aren't a race.)
Brit: Favorite is krogans, honestly. They got a collective bad draw in life, then were used and dropped by a bunch of assholes. Oh how I can relate. Least favorite are the volus, bunch of scheming little snotballs.
Zaku: Asari are best. Friendly, social, and gorgeous. I'm with Cole on the batarans for least favorite; is there such thing as a good bataran? I've never met one.
They aren't in the same canon, but assume for a moment that they are. Each is paired with another in succession for a series of missions. Which pairings would work and which wouldn't?
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