Mememe per John

Aug 17, 2007 08:56

John tagged me on this ages ago. Sorry for the delay in posting back, I haven't been on LJ enough lately. I do miss it.


1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

1. I'm currently doing very well in the campaign to stop biting my nails. Its difficult because I have to admit I loved biting them down til they hurt. Nail biting was probably my version of cutting. ;)

2. I realized last night that we have very successfully gotten the phone in our apartment NOT to ring very often. I hate it when the phone rings. Its a combination of fear that it is bad news and flashbacks from 1998 when I had a financial breakdown and creditors called me relentlessly.

3. The first time I ever stayed anywhere alone all night was in London. I had a hotel room in the Strand Palace all to myself during a high school trip. I think this really changed me and set a stage for my future.

4. I no longer want "stuff". Stuff used to make me feel happy in some way I never understood. I have done a pretty good job over the last year and some to free myself and my life of things I don't really use or need.

5. This has been the first year in which taking a vacation from work didn't refresh me. I believed it would but that week to myself was very difficult.

6. I write to-do lists that rarely ever get done. I'm admittedly not good with regime.

7. I want to spend more time at nice markets instead of Wal-Mart. I'd like to pretend I live in a metropolitan city where you normally shop daily for fresh foods instead of making one weekly, harried trip in which you load your car down with mountains of bags and hate the whole process.


Sorry John, I don't think I can tag today. I broke the rules, it that okay? ;)
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