New Tattoos

Jul 11, 2008 02:47

Got these a few weeks ago and never posted them.
They're technically my second and third tattoos, except that they go together, but my first one was "just" an inner lip tattoo.
The quote is from the graduation card my grandparents' gave me, and the signature is directly from the card.

When my Papa saw it he couldn't help but smile even if he doesn't like tattoos. I haven't showed my Grammy yet. I'm afraid of how she'll feel about it.

The pictures were taken right after I got them done so they're raised and red. They're healed now, I think.

I got the quote for a number of reasons.
First, I want a career in social work and almost everyone tries to dissuade me from it, which is really frustrating. I'm not easily swayed from things I want to do, but I wanted this to remind me to do what matters to me no matter what anyone else says.
Second, my Grammy is sick and has her ups and downs and I don't want her to give up on trying to get better. Sometimes she get sick of taking care of herself and says she isn't going to bother anymore, but she always pulls through.
And lastly, it causes everyone who looks at it to think about what it says. I feel that everybody should live accordingly. I want to pass that on as a social worker.

Still shiny and bloody

Ignore the neck rolls. I don't know why I felt the need to look at the camera.

To give an idea of placement. It's harder than I thought it would be to take a picture of one's own back!

I decided to place them high up on my shoulders because I want to save the rest of my upper back for something big and colorful and awesome.

And I'll throw this one in just for good measure...
I've had one touch up since getting it done in March, and the touch up wasn't even necessary as this picture is of the tattoo at its worst:

Everything done by Deirdre at Pino Bros Ink in Cambridge, MA.
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