Dang I've been up since 7 with stupid stomach cramps. I'm tired. This week went by soo slow. Tuesday we had our fieldtrip to a nature center for AP Bio and I got to wear these hawt boots that went up to my crotch.. yea it was sweet. The water was freezing, and the food at Wendy's made me sick. But its all good. Wednesday we had a meet at Greece. Their track was really bouncy and I didn't like it. I ran the 3000, it was just long and boring. I didn't go on the Day of Caring field trip on Friday :( Mostly cause I messed up my shoulder again. On my way to physical therapy on Tuesday, I put a bag on the passenger's seat and something stung real bad in my shoulder. So my pt does some strength tests or whatever and she automatically says its my bicep tendon and to come back on Thursday for some more tests. So I do that and basically they just confirm my bicep tendon is strained somehow and I have to start over on my strength bands. I'm on the last one (black), and I have to go back to the 1st one (yellow). They said it won't take long, a week or two, to build back up to where I was but its still just frustrating as hell. It killed during my 800 on Friday. My 800 just made me angry in general. I'm scared to go out too fast, then I'm scared to start kicking too soon to get ahead of someone right infront of me because I'll die or something, and then I'm scared to kick at the very end for some unknown random reason. Blah, oh well.. its just track.
Last night I went to the banquet for the swim team I coach. It was cute, I got to see some kids that I haven't seen since before states. Two of the girls made the coaches little awards like "Thanks for your help" and stuff like that. But no, I got the "Thanks for dealing with us!" award, hahah I love them. I guess I didnt mind going to that instead of seeing Ludacris.
I feel bad for getting angry at track, I love it and its a ton of fun. Last week was just frustrating.
...and then Mimi had to steal a knife from Applebees to cut it loose
...Hilary and Carly loved it.
The end.