I'm taking the dog for a walk.

Mar 28, 2007 10:34

Ich gehe mit dem Hund spazieren.
[ikh gay-uh mit daym hoond spaht-zee-rehn]

Je vais me promener avec le chien.
[zhuh vay meh pro-meh-nay ah-vek luh shee-ih(n)]

Not quite. I have no dog, but I have do have two cats and I'd like to train them to wear a harness so I can walk them. I know it's possible to teach cats to do this, but I have my doubts about my ability to train Lucy and Sophie to do it. They're probably too old to learn this now. But I think they'd like being able to go outside if they could get through the first bits of learning to accept the harness, so I'll try it. First step: find a suitable harness. Petsmart didn't have any that I liked, so the search continues.

cats, german, french, pets

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