
Jan 02, 2007 11:23

Frohes Neues Jahr!
[froh-ihs noi-ihs yahr]

Bonne Année!
[bohn ah-nay]

Happy New Year!

Was ist Ihr guter Vorsatz fürs Neue Jahr?
[vahs isst ear goo-tuhr four-zahts fuers noi-eh yahr]

Quelle sont tes bonnes résolutions pour le Nouvel An?
[kel soh(n) teh bohn ray-zo-loo-syoh(n) pour le noo-vel ah(n)]

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Okay, so I got two Phrase-A-Day calendars made by Berlitz when they were on sale at Barnes & Noble: one French and one German. I intend to learn more of both languages over the course of the year. I also intend to post the phrase-of-the-day every day (or as near to every day as I post). That way anyone who reads my LJ can also learn some French and/or German.

Sometimes I may wish to comment on the phrase-of-the-day. Other times not.

Today I'll comment. The question for the day is what my New Year's resolutions are. Well, I don't make New Year's resolutions any more. For me, making a list once a year of big things I intend to change about myself is pointless. Better is having ongoing lists, like the list I have at 43 Things and the lists I periodically post here of things I intend to do.

But if the calendar insists on asking, here are the top things on my to-do list right now: finish organizing and decorating my new apartment, learn to sew (which depends on the first because right now I have no place to set up my sewing machine), work on writing papers, and do a few practical thing, including having my oil changed in the truck, renewing my vehicle registration, and getting a passport.

german, resolutions, french

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