Oct 08, 2005 20:54

Soo..have spent the last week wading through company websites and trying to sort out where to apply to. The only constant thing I've come across is that basically, I am unqualified for any sort of job that would be even marginally fun. Even the boring CS ones seem to be out of my reach!

AAHHHHHHHH! And I have yet to find a company that lists "Java" under their required programming languages. Why weren't we taught C++ in school if that's the only thing companies want?!

Future is not looking so hot. Am currently despairing and may have to take up David and Keith on their offer of cardboard boxes and newspaper blankets to become a street bum (remember that, guys?).

Off to the MCR to try and figure out what to do with the rest of my life. I'm out.

EDIT: Shit! I just wasted 30 minutes on the Facebook. Doing absolutely NOTHING. ARGH as;kfdjasl;dk
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