yuletide redux

Jan 03, 2009 22:17

and now, some recs and the reveal:

to hell with anything unrefined was my primary yuletide story, for nyssa23. it is vers libre poetry in the style of don marquis' archy & mehitabel. i put mehitabel amongst the suffragettes and brought in a couple of prohibitionists. i illustrated it! (did you know that the new york times online archives go back to 1851? it's really quite awesome, especially for setting a story about a new york city newspaper columnist in 1917.) glossing and kassrachel read it through for me and i managed to get it in nearly a week early, which is unheard-of in my yuletide career, opening the way for:

eyes wide open, a yuletide treat for baranduin, which is a postscript for robin mckinley's spindle's end, a retelling of "sleeping beauty" which i've always particularly loved. i highly recommend the book, and you shouldn't really read the story without having read the book -- for one, it won't make much sense, and for two, it does rather spoil one of the twists of the ending. i wrote this one in a terrific rush on christmas eve, but i'm glad i posted it; it turned out small but rather pretty, i think (and there are only two glaring typos which will need fixing at some point).

and while i was thusly engaged, lilyayl was writing my cyberiad story! still many ♥&hearts♥ and i shall have to see what else zie's done. there's so much more to read!

a few of my favorite things, swoon-worthy secret semi-secular santa, pr0n and other literature

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