you think becca has neva hurt any one b4? ha thats funny! just ask any of her OLD friends and they will tell you some stuff! she's a stupid lier a bitch and should die!
hey i dont know who wrote this but your the bitch and you should die! Rebecca makes mistakes and she can be hurtfull somethimes but so can everybody else! and stop using anonymus you are just afraid that you will get in trouble so if you werent and dumb you would just say your name!!
Hey im sticking up for rebbeca because someone was saying bad things about her!! They used anonymus and they said bad things about her and im sticking up for her and by the way becca im sorry about what i said and i was having a bad day and i took it out on you and shouldn't have done that! Will you ever forget me and if you say that you have med problem then i should have belived you ok im sorry!!!
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