
Jan 12, 2006 21:47


WeLL im *SINGLE* aGaiN=)..hEre are soMe QouteS!

*YoU and mE weRe MenT to BE,
I Dream of thiNgs thaT i wiLL NEVER sEE!,
To be without you my woRld faLLs apArt,
BeinG withOut yoU isnt sOO smarT!*


*The thINgs that shE wanTed to cHange aBouT herselF,
WeRe thE saMe thiNgs that he feLL *IN LOVE* wiTH!!*


It is haRd to Picture liFe at aLL,
If you arent in it through it aLL!,
You think that it iis GREAT to sEE me CrY,
But somEtimEs i just want to diE!,
Would you catch me if i faLL,
Would you be there with me though it aLL?,
I this is thE faCts i haVe to FaCe,
Even thoUgh theY are noT my FaiT*

SometimEs i wonder if LOVE is reaLLy for me i doNNO what to do now but im just going ot kEEp my head up and smile bc it dont bother mE=)..you wiLL miSS me LatEr!!

..WeLL i gueSS that that is iT!!

*LoVe YaLL coMMenT!!*

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