--aH im heRe*

Mar 25, 2006 15:55

The worst thing has just haPPened to me i got lead on:'(..i cant believe it i believed him
for sOO long and he does this..it is CRAZY..it haPPened just the other day and im stiLL in
shoCk..wHy me??..wHy does EVERYTHING haPPened to Catherine Rainey??*..it is sOO hard to get
in my head it is sOO Stupid but i understand completely i gueSS??..it is just going to be
reaLLy strange not waiting tiLL 11 for him to geT on ICQ or geTTing aLL excited when he
caLLs NopE not no more..none of thaT:(..im going to miss it..or waiting on him at schOOl
aLL of it sounds kind of childish but it isnt trust me*..im going to miSS him saYing
gOOdnight Beautiful..Bye BaBe..Hey BaBe!!*..aLL of it..as hard as it sEEms for me to say
this i reaLLy like him..for the best of things he reaLLy ment something that none had..im
going to miSS that boY=(



you mean eVerythiNg to mE*
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