
Feb 01, 2006 19:52


Thought that i would upDaTe=)

TodaY was a pReTTy baD daY..LOL..WeLL i got up i was a liTTle late sOO i had to huRRy!!..Got to schOOl shut my finger in my locker(dont ask hoW)..1st block had a Romeo and Juliet test i made 90 that was preTTy much it in there..2nd Block weLL i didnt get in trouble for talk FINALLY!!..we went over some map stuFF and that was iT..3rd PRETTY BORING like alwayS Algebra HATE IT..HaHa..4th my FAVORITE claSS..NOT!!*...i hate that claSS Spanish SUCKS just to give some PPl some advice sont take it..LoL..just kiDDing i just dont get it that much..but it is reaLLy hard and it does suck..LoL..after schOOl i came home i was geTTing ready and just about to leave then Josh caLLed and he wanted to come up but i had to leaVe..sOO..ya knOw..he couldnt but hopefuLLy i wiLL sEE him sOOn=)..PraCtice weLL i can explain it in ONE word....SUICIDE*..(soRRy guys cant speLL..LoL)..but that was it for todaY!!**

weLL my mom has to be at the hospital for some test at like 6 in the MORNING!!.WoW that reaLLy sucks but other than that i hope it is a gOOd daY..after schOOl we got practice HopefuLLy it wiLL be oK=)**

I got TONS of tests just about in every subject..but we alsO have a game against PV!!..reaLLy exciTed RIGHT GIRLS??..HaHa..then after that i doNNo??

--Plans for the wEEkend-->
SuPPost to go to Josh's house to mEEt his parents!!..wisH me lUcK..HaHa..but they sound reaLLy nice sOO i just hope they likE me!!*..theN i gueSS we are going to go eaT!!..YaY me favorite thing to do..LoL..thEn i think he is takIng me to Rachel's house bc she is having a slEEpover for her B-Day..is was last wEEk sOO haPPy B-Day Rach!!**

My favorite thing to do SIT AROUND**

--The resT-->
They are aLL gRReat..i love them aLL!!=)


We won a game..we are hopeing to win FridaY tOO..YeSSSSS!!!

He is Great tOO i reaLLy like him alot and everything is going gOOd!!..and NO MORE STALKER..LaureN..HaHa..But i reaLLy think that it is going reaLLy Great*

They are aLL Great tOO

sOO everything is reaLLy goinG great i gueSS??...HaHa

WeLL i believe that that is iT!!

*LoVe YaLL coMMent!!*


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