Aug 18, 2008 23:27
By this Friday, my student loans will be paid off in full, and by 9/12 my last payment on the medical I owed from having Jarin will be paid off in full. This means that "officially" I will be debt-free. "officially" being any open account on my credit that a lender would look at. Of course I still have monthly bills like everyone else, just no outstanding credit. Except my credit card, which has a small enough limit that even maxing it out I can pay it off when the bill is due - that is a nice control measure.
This is mostly due to a HUGE part by Madd, who is very good with money matters, and decided he would rather help pay the student loan off than have me pay the government anymore interest (since the whole $2000 they took this spring went to interest). And it will be so much easier to pay him back, as he can do all the budgeting and finances, and we already have the ability to transfer money between our accounts.
I really feel like such a burden is off of me, knowing that none of these people will be mailing me or calling me or sitting on my credit report! Just have to deal with the one I live with now, and I am pretty used to that :) Thank you, dear! Wow - I honestly never thought I would be on top of things ever again, and with help I am again, and I am so happy I could scream!