Jul 15, 2007 12:11
We had Jarin's 4 month checkup on Friday. He is 13lbs 11.5oz and 25.5 inches long! He has gone from the 10th to the 25th percentile for his weight. Both head and length are 75th percentile. He is right where he should be developmentally. We got the ok for rice cereal, then first stages baby food after a while. So of course we went out and bought rice cereal and a couple things of food :) Lastly, he had to get more shots - I wish I had remembered to make sure he got Tylenol a little ahead of time. It didn't help for the nurse to say that pain-wise it's about the equivalent of 3 tetanus shots! He only cried for a couple minutes this time, and Madd had him laughing before we even left the room.
So this morning we made up his first small bowl of cereal, of course videotaping it all. Jarin actually did really well! Makes me think he's been ready for this, so I was glad. He still had just a little of that tongue thrust going on, but he managed to get through all of what I had made him - which was an ounce of formula with the cereal mixed in fairly runny. He didn't really care about me putting something in his mouth as much as he wanted to be grabbing the bowl - he finally got it once and we spilled some, but it was ok. I am so proud of him for how well he did! I can tell that we are going to have a lot more laundry to be doing now. I just had him in his diaper with a bib and a towel and that was good thinking! I think we are going to go get a highchair even though it will be a few more weeks until we'll sit him in it, I think.
So, more shots at our next appointment (6 months) then we'll be done until he's a year, I think. I really need to get more pictures put on the computer and upload them! He's changing so much - growing up on us!