Nov 17, 2004 23:04
Holy Cow it's been a while! Sorry everyone, I know not that many people read this, but whatever, I'm going to update anyhow. So school has been stressful, not only because college applications have been thrown in, but since the term is winding-down teachers feel they must cram a "Much Needed" test in the week that we should be reviewing. Thank goodness we get a break soon though, mine will be spent cleaning my pig-sty of a room and finishing up some college apps. I hope you all have a more eventful one than I. Last weekend, however, I went to visit my brothers at OSU (oklahoma state university) and had a parent-free weekend at a prospective college with my brothers. It was awesome, I got to actually go to a couple classes with my friend Ida, she's Reid's friend but mine also. I partied a little with my brother and met some very attractive college fellows. I enjoyed this experience because my parents weren't there and no, it wasn't just great because I got to party, but I actually got to see what it would be like if I went to school there next year. I am excited for the college life, it is so much better than high school. Say goodbye to 7 classes a day and say hello to maybe 2-3...4 at the most. And even if you do have 3 or 4 classes a day, they at least start at around 9 or 10, as opposed to 8...ungodly hour if you ask me. The classes are usually let out early anyway, if the professor is nice enough to do that sort of thing. Anyway, I am super excited about college now, and thrilled that I will get to meet new people, guys especially because guys that are in college seem to think about girls realistically rather than just the skinny, "perfect" ones. I know I'm not skinny, not fat either, and I realize that no one is perfect, but there are those out there that you see and you just think, "god if only I could look like you, then I'd really look like perfection." Maybe not the case for everyone, but I know I feel like that sometimes. Once we hit college, it just seems like the personality and the wit and character will mean more to a guy, and a girl, than their outward appearance. This is all just some ramblings at 11 at night on a Wednesday that I said I wanted to be in bed by 10. Oh well, Comment if you enjoyed this at all...I never get feedback from people :( XOXO Claire