Jul 04, 2004 11:30
Okay so I realized that I have not updated in a LONG time so I thought I'd do it now. Well Camp Rec. was a blast, hardwork but overall it was awesome. I got to know some people on a level that I never thought I would. My camper's name was Brenda. She was able to: shower, dress, eat, use the bathroom, walk and talk all without much effort on my part. The only thing I knew she had was a serious case of O.C.D. Now what, you may be asking, is O.C.D? Well it stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which means that to her, everything has to be perfect. For instance at dinner she would move this deli basket(with butter in it) the tiniest little bit, and then she had to flip all the butters inside this basket to be right side up. Needless to say this took a lot of patience on my part, and the part of all the other couselors in my cabin(#3), to not explode and tell her to stop. This was her disability, she couldn't help but do it, also, it wasn't like I was going to change her after only a week, she was 35 and has had years of doing this kind of stuff. It drove me nuts, but in the end I was glad I could be her friend for the week, but I really don't think she liked me very much :(. Well while I was at camp, I made friends with a boy, we made light conversation during the week, but I didn't think anything of it. Now, he and I went out last night to dinner, and I wasn't sure what he thought, or even what I thought, this night was supposed to be. Was it a date? Was it just two friends going out to eat? I didn't know, so I didn't act like it was one or the other, I was just myself. Well I hope this boy and I are compatable enough, he's really sweet and a true gentleman! He opened doors for me, and didn't try to pull any cheesy lines or anything. Anyway, that's my life in a nutshell right now, so let's hope I update more often than I have lately. Happy 4th of July everyone!!! p.s watch "DOWN TO YOU" it's a GREAT movie, thanks sk!whew sorry that was a long entry, and probably not creative at all, oh well!