Weekend Report

Jul 26, 2007 00:45

It's late and i want to get this done, so it will be brief :p

So i get off work, and phone guardian_hero as we were supposed to be hanging out, Gave him a call, and he told me to meet him at Chinook, we were going to wait in Line for Harry Potter.
Now neither of us was actually going to be buying the book, but we had a mutual friend who was, and we decided we had nothing better to do with our Friday evening than keep her company.

So i headed out, managed to get there before all of them, and just wandered around

It is so nice to have money again, bought 5 DVD's and a book, (not Harry Potter related at all :p)

and waited

in due course we all arrived, and the friend decided that she had never in her life been first in line for anything important.
and apparently Harry Potter was important.
So 6 hours before midnight, and three hours before the line was actually supposed to start, we sat down in front of the store,
and waited.
I got facepainted from a very cute girl in a very long necked shirt (it took all my gentlemanly nature to look nonplussed and try to read the titles of the near by books as she bent over me.)
and waited.
and i taught them how to play School-yard Blackjack and Texas Hold-em which we played betting with those little turtles candies.
and waited.

at some point i remembered i had brought one of my card games with me. Lupus in Tabula, as it was something Guardian had said he was interested in playing. So i broke that out, and invited the kids who were sitting in line behind us to join in.

Lupus in Tabula... otherwise known as Werewolf:

image Click to view

(Dribbler's first time on YouTube!)

and we waited.
and we played
and we waited.

and then... the moment arrived:

image Click to view

7 hours in line... for that :p

so book in her hands, we parted ways, i headed to the C-train

I get on, to find some drunk dude sprawled between the seats, and across the aisle.
*shakes head* Drunks...
i don't think i would have really done anything, until i saw some young punk laugh at the guy, crawl across him, and sit in the seat, his legs on the chair facing him, overtop of the passed out man.
and i heard the whispered words of scorn as the people talked about the man, but did nothing.
all of this pissed me off.
why wasn't anyone even trying to do something??

So i headed over there and checked to make sure the guy was at least still breathing.
then hit the big red emergancy light that notified the driver that there was a problem on board, and explained to him the details.
everyone started staring at me more than the passed out dude.
like i was being... weird for trying to get the guy some help.
*shakes head*

anyways, driver stopped the train at the next stop, tried waking the guy and couldn't and phoned the head office to get someone to help at the end of the line, and then just drove off.
i don't know the guy from Adam, but he at least deserved to have some one check on him.

So Sat i head out to meet with 13urton, blackscribe, and jaguar_mysts and two others, (one an old friend of Nysa's...) to hand out flyers for Jaguar's mother's new pet training business.
bloody hot day out, and i dressed specificly so that i could be able to take my shirt off when it got hot enough out.
(oh yeah, there was a whole incident at the farmer's market too... ah well too late now..)

now i don't think i look too bad with my shirt off.
True i don't have the abs i had when i worked for the Forestry dept. but i still got muscle definition from my martial arts practice,
and 13urton, called me repulsive!
i don't know if i've ever been more offended in my life!
i don't have the nipple ring anymore, i'm not fat, i'm not skinny, i might not be well toned.
but repulsive??

afterwards was a BBQ in thanks.
jakalope called me from Quebec so i had a fun time talking to him about Boot camp for the RMC,
(next time you see him, ask him about the masterbertorium ;P)

this followed by a few good hours of sex talk with Jaguars friend,
who is apparently in training to become a pro domme, but finds talking about sexual fluids "icky"
great fun making her squirm with fun facts :D

BBQ over i headed home, with no real plans.
terra_fy decides we shoudl see a movie.

I agree and finally get to watch Hot Fuzz.
Fantastic movie if you haven't seen it yet, do so, and then buy it on DVD to watch again.

i Get up early to meet with jaguar_mysts, wyldthyng, guardian_hero, and friends at the Bugs bunny showing at the Sun and Salsa fest.
I get there...
and i'm all alone.
*sigh* why do i bother being early?

Bugs bunny was great in the ways only bugs bunny can be.
("where's the kaboom? there was supposed to be an Earth Shattering Kaboom!")

I wander the crowds, got a Katimavik frisbee (w00t katima!)
and a bunch of blood donation temporary tattooes,
(the girl kept failing to she kept trying again :p)

and i head back to the train to wait for people.
I run into dead_sorrow of all people, waiting for his GF.
We hang out and talk life the universe and such.
and we wait.
(i did alot of waiting over the weekend.)

his GF appears, and they disapear into the crowd.
I finally meet up with Jag and her fiance, and we head off into the crowd.

we talk, we eat salsa,
Salsa with pineapple, Salsa with mangos, Salsa with creamcheese, Salsa with far too much cilantro, Salsa with green tea, Salsa with rasberries.
Lots and lots of Salsa (43 different flavours i think)
and afterwards head over to a local mexican resteraunt.
Where the first thing they do when we sat down, was give us complimetary chips and salsa.
and it was bad salsa... :(
we sat and talked for another 1.5 hours or so,
about their upcoming wedding, their planned baby, us trying to figure out why i'm still single, the weather, urethral pumps, the usual.

we parted ways, i picked up movie passes, and headed home.

and the only other really news worthy thing that happened
(well if you consider any of this newswrothy :p)
was that i didn't get barely a wink of sleep, and i had to be up rather early the next morning. (they moved me back to 8-4 shifts for a week *grumble* just when i was getting used to 9-5's)

that last part really had no point, but i couldn't think of anything else to fill the third spot in my LJ cut.. so i put that in there ;p

and now, i'm up late again, and must sleep.
Peace out!

you tube, weekend report

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