How long do ducks live?

Feb 10, 2007 05:30

Problem caused by computer hardware

This problem was caused by an unrecoverable hardware error that caused the operating system to stop functioning.


If you have received this error more than once, it could indicate a serious problem with your computer. We recommend that you do the following:

1. Back up your files to avoid data loss in case of a complete hardware failure.
2. Contact the original manufacturer of your computer to determine the specific component which is failing.

Additional technical information

Although we know the problem is caused by a hardware component, the error report does not contain enough information to tell us the specific component. It is likely that the problem is being caused by one of the following computer components:

* Random Access Memory (RAM)
* System board
* Central Processing Unit (CPU)
* Power supply

Duckee has been my only computer since the wolf became unusable. I will miss him alot when he is gone. :(
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