So, the other night, I was unlocking cards for the Elf deck in MTG DoTP on XBLA. I got about as good a draw as could be hoped for, and the deck just took off. So well, in fact, that the AI got completely confused and refused to play any cards - it would just draw and discard on its turn. For about 55 turns, until I was down to 1 card in the library and played Coat of Arms, 4 Giant Growths, and an Overrun to finish the game. The score difference was.... Monumental, to say the least. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
Rhys with token buff
Rhys with token buff
Board with only Rhys token buffed
Board with only Rhys token buffed - notice the stack of 19 token elves
Board with everything buffed
Board with everything buffed - all non-token creatures have been buffed, waiting for Coat of Arms
JSA gives an idea of how many elves are on the board
JSA gives an idea of how many elves are on the board - nearly 80. A couple less due to the +1/+1 elves.
Rhys getting bigger
Rhys getting bigger
Coat of Arms ready to drop
Coat of Arms ready to drop - notice that it was the 2nd to last card in my library.
Coat of Arms dropped
Coat of Arms dropped - everything just got a whole lot bigger. Note the 4 Giant Growths and Overrun still in hand.
Rhys is huge
Rhys is huge
JSA before being token buffed
JSA before being token buffed - already pretty big
JSA after token buff
JSA after token buff - now freaking HUGE.
Board ready for attack
Board ready for attack - I dropped Coat of Arms, Overrun, and 4 Giant Growths in a single turn - and look how much untapped mana is left.
My Status Pre-attack
My Status Pre-attack - 47 life, 1 card in hand, 1 card in library
Opponent status pre-attack
Opponent status pre-attack - 19 life, 7 cards in hand, 26 cards in library.
Board during Attack
Board during Attack - the individual target arrows all blend together to create a red/yellow/orange band. That's a LOT of damage coming across.
My Status Post Attack
My Status Post Attack - 124 life, 1 card in hand, 1 card in library.
Opponent Status Post Attack
Opponent Status Post Attack - -8007 life, 7 cards in hand, 26 in library. That was a HUGE hit for the game.