Mar 17, 2004 12:11
Today's my Grandpa Patrick's birthday!!! He lives in Florida.. so I wont get to see him. but alex and i are going to make shamrock cookies in his honor.
I found out that I didn't get the StarTV Unit Assistant job. Apparently though there were over 100 applicants.. the guy left a long message on my voice mail about me being one of his top choices.. but the job went to someone already in the building. fuck i hate unions! why do people like them? the union has done nothing good for me. i reallly wanted that job. O-(
i feel like i'm in a funk. being unemployed is starting to get to me. why can't i have rich parents that will cover all my expenses so i can travel and ski with all my free time?!? I might be going skiing on Sunday.. but just for the day.. back to horseshoe valley with Katie C. and Dave.
Our aquarium is all set up now.. so today is the day the fisheys come home!!
we need names for them. the black ones name is Doctor Scientific Detective. all the others have yet to be named.